Friday, February 1, 2013

Without Fear


I have never thought of myself as a "writer," necessarily. I realized this week that the label itself scares me. I'd rather say that I just "enjoy writing" rather than strive to meet the standards of what I believe is required of "good writers."

Then I thought, "What other areas in my life do I shy away from because I fear failure and judgment?" 

I've always thought that a fear of failure is overcome by a mixture of one part boldness and two parts passion. I'm a soft spoken introvert who loves her alone time ... thus, being bold has never really been my strength. And the word "passion" has become such a loaded term in my vocabulary that I wouldn't know how to begin living mine out. Recently I've been encouraged by strangers, who are now friends, that I should continue to pursue my dream of writing in a field that incorporates young women, life, and style. 

Yes, I'm young, and don't need to have all the answers to life. But I can challenge myself to be bigger than my fears on a daily basis--ultimately remembering that judgement is reserved for God alone and fear is only underestimating the power and greatness of Christ, whom nothing in life can be done without. 

 "For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline."
{2 Timothy 1:7}

This weekend I have plans for Disneyland, rest & relaxation, and will be San Diego bound for the Super Bowl! Happy Weekend to everyone and, as always, thank you for reading.



  1. I totally know where you're coming from. I think my fear in failure is one of the reasons I sometimes doubt my decision to go to law school because I don't want my family and friends to think I'm a complete and epic fail if for some reason I don't succeed. But I know that if I'm supposed to go, God will get me there!

    I think what you want to do is an awesome thing!! I love that you have such a love for God and the fact that you want to encourage young women is great!

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