Let's be friends:
I respond to every single lovely comment left on my blog and typically reply via email. I truly appreciate your time and interest, so feel free to drop me a line!

1 comment:

  1. So excited that you have a blog too!!! :) Your layout is gorgeous :) I can honestly say that I believe we have a lot more in common than just our location (and great fashion sense!!). I am officially adding you to my "blogs to read" list :) Thanks for sharing your fashion and your heart here on your blog - you have some great stuff here and I can't wait to see more!

    xo, Kate

    P.S. if you ever want to do a mini photo shoot for an outfit post lmk I'd love to meet up and learn more about your blog!


I'm a lover of sweet notes, thank you for leaving yours! I respond to each one personally via email.